A legend goes that in the reign of Emperor Wu of theWestern Jin, a minor landslide on the southeast of the Gaoting Mountainsexposed an ancient stone drum but the drum was found to be soundless. In orderto understand why, Emperor Sima Yan consulted Zhang Hua, who compiled Naturalis Historia, and was informedthat a stick of Shu firmiana in the shape of fish would do the work. The resultwas as it was predicted. Hence the wonder story of Firmiana Stick Beating StoneDrum and the very source of stone drum and wooden knocker. The mountain onwhich the drum had been found was later renamed Koutong (‘Firmiana Beating’)Mountain, and Shutong became a substitute of long wooden fish knocker. FirmianaStick Beating Stone Drum is a very old story. It is the earliest record of theChinese stone drum and wooden fish knocker. It proves that the Koutong Mountainis the source of the Chinese Stone Drum culture and wooden fish knockers. Fromthe poem A night walk at Stone Drum Kiosk of the Ming poet Shen Qian, we can see that a kiosk was built on the mountainand now there is a simulated one to show its historical appearance, and torevisit ancient wonder.